School Magazine Research

School magazines research 

Front covers

· Bright lively colours to catch the reader’s attention

· Photography of students working/ doing activities, fills the page and draws the reader in

· Sub headings and titles for other information that is in the magazine

· issue number, when it was published

· school logo or crest

· not too much writing so it does not over power the image

· slogan for example : reflecting the best in the prep school world

· word art BOLD TITLE

·  manipulated images

Inside the magazine

· Contents page is a must!

· Advertisement for school activities

· General advertisement

· Quizzes

· School information what has been happening in school

· Interviews and reports for example: rising to the challenge climbing Everest

· Newspaper style positing

· Bold titles

· Different positions of photographs (allignment)

· Consistent theme through out (house style)

· Competitions

· Sports news

· Music news

List of school magazines: