Music Magazine Flat Plans

Here are my flat plans, as you can see they are rough and my artistsic skills arent to the highest of qualities but here you go. 

Front Cover
On the front cover I wanted it to be detailed and have a lot going on, but I wanted to ensure that my main artist still made a presence on the page as a bold and vivid stature.
 In this draft my artist is in the middle of the page and takes up most of the page. He will be increased in size to show dominance and importance of this issue, in front or behind the masthead I am yet undecided. I will make sure that the model is wearing clothes to represent the mood and feel I want to put across to the audience which is a modern and up to date feel.
 My colour scheme hasn’t yet been decided but I will keep a white background as it will give the magazine a clean, sharp feel to give it that professional edge. I am considering using red as it is a bright and eye catching colour although also blue as it can be used as a subtle colour but can also be used to catch the audiences attention.

Contents Page 
On my contents page I will have as normal on every contents a list of pages but with what each one consists of each with a sub-headings, the more important and interesting stories will have a small images next to them to draw the attention of the audience to that story.
I will have a number of images on the contents page to show what to expect in the magazine and also an editorial, just a brief paragraph to as why the editor decided to produce this music magazine and what it has to offer to the public.
This contents page will be full of detail but won’t be cluttered as I want it all to be easily readable so that reader doesn’t get confused when reading the text on this page. The colour scheme and layout I will use will make the contents page look clean and professional, eye catching to my targeted audience.
Double Page  

On my double page spread I will cover the main artist I will ensure that on one side it will be an article purely based on the artist. The article will be based upon what influenced the artist and his success on his journey through the music industry. The genre that he focuses on, his reasons for choosing it and what will be his next steps to further his career.

On the opposing side, I will have reviews on previous gigs that he has performed, this way it shows that the audience can relate to the artist reading up on what other big artists and fellow peers think of his performances. I will also have a section on it where individuals from the crowds will have their say on what they felt of that gig and what they may like to see from his next up and coming performance.

There will also be photos of the artist at gigs, in the studio and at a photo shoot. These will help to break up the text and draw attention to other parts of the articles such as competitions and touring dates which the audience will want to know, the main thing is that this will be eye catching and each part of the text will be precise and straight to the point to keep the reader interested and grasped to the page.