
- The study of signs and symbols
- We learn to read these like we do words
- They often have cultural meanings e.g. a poppy symbolised the great war to us but in order cultures it would not have these associations
Signifier – an object which symbolises something else
Denotation- the literal or dictionary definition of something
Connotation- the associated meanings with an image or word

Mise- en- scene
-Setting and props
-Costume, hair and make up
-Facial expressions and body language
-Lighting and colour
-Positioning of characters and objects within a frame 

Setting- School library, desks, Notice board, Chairs (stools), Computer, Book shelf (books)
Costume, hair and makeup – each character has its own individual persona, stereotypical views of school students: drop out/ cool kid/ the nutty one/ posh (popular girl)/ normal kid
Facial expressions and body language: they have their own individual expressions and body language, to represent the stereotyping for their character e.g. the cool kid because he is wearing all the brands and he has his arms folded and a good posture, this could show that he thinks he is the most important person of the group. He is also looking down on the drop out as in disgust.
Lighting and colour- lighting is an in a  typical school, and the colours that each character have on
Positioning of characters and objects within the frame- the characters are all lined up too show the contrasts of each of the individuals, this could be a cliché of the Rockefeller centre image in the same way on the beam.