Reader Profile

Readers Profile
He is aged between 16-21, he is in full time education currently in 6th form currently not with a job but earning money through EMA, £80 a month spending around £50 pounds on music, films, magazines and putting money aside for upcoming festivals. He isn’t earning enough to pay taxes. This is one way for him to get away from the outside world and to focus on something he enjoys. His parents earn up to £30,000 and would say this would be a middle class income; this enables him to be in with the latest fashion so therefore he will splash out on what he can.
Music his life, it gives him the chance to move away from the current ever changing world. Reading magazines gives him the chance to see new artists and festivals that he will most probably be interested in and will be attending. His passion for music comes first, his social life revolves around music, this has inspired to him to one day become a well known, worldwide artist. He’s not a crowd pleaser. He will do things in his own right, with his peers looking to him for advice and sense of style. This gives him a sense of pride and leadership.
Being young and free he has the world ahead of him, living life to the full. Participating in what he can to be the best that he can. He has a broad amount of interest’s cars, gossip, gaming, celebrities, style & fashion, enjoying his life with his friends and getting involved in whatever he can. Whatever may come his way, who ever or what ever it is, he won’t hesitate to say what he thinks and put his point across. Regularly out going and partying with his friends and getting a reputation with the girls, living for today and what tomorrow may bring. He is always up for something new.
He’s recently just passed his driving test so as you can gather he is living in his car, driving anywhere and everywhere playing his music to the max kiss and Capital is where he is most comfortable and enjoys the most. He spends most weekends an free time going to gigs and festivals with his mates, no specific genre he isn’t fussed, what ever has an upbeat rhythm will make him come alive. If not at gigs or festivals he will be out clubbing and parting with his mates, enjoying himself in anyway possible. He hasn’t got any plans to settle down yet with a family anytime soon. He is up to date with the latest technology and social networking sites, getting invitations to new and upcoming events and he would be lost without his iPod and blackberry to keep in touch with everyone on the go.