Music Magazine Questionnaire

Please circle the appropriate answers
1.       How old are you?
-          16-20
-          21-25
-          26-30
-          31+

2.       Are you male or female?
-          Male
-          Female

3.       What is your yearly income?
-          Under £1000
-          £1100-£5000
-          £5100-£10000
-          £10100-£15000
-          £15000 +

4.       How much do you spend monthly on music?
-          £10-£30
-          £31-£50
-          £51-£70
-          £71+

5.       What genre of music are you interested in?
-          R&B
-          Rap
-          House
-          Classical
-          Pop
-          Rock
-          Hip – Hop
-          Other ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Linking with question 5:

What is it about that genre that appeals to you?
What music magazine do you read, if it is you read any?

Would you prefer the magazine to be based on 1 genre or a variety?

6.       Why do you read music magazines?
-          Reviews
-          Gigs/festivals
-          New releases
-          Adverts
-          Other…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

7.       What appeals to you in a music magazine?
-          Images
-          Reviews
-          Information
-          Upcoming events
-          Other…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

8.       What 3 colours would appeal to you in the magazine?

9.       What type of shot would appeal to you?
-           Mid shot
-          Long shot
-          Wide shot
-          Extreme close up
-          Other …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

10.    What would you want the magazine to cover other than music?
-          Sport
-          Fashion
-          Gossip
-          News
-          Other ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………