School Magazine Evaluation

After completing my 6th form magazine I have been asked to evaluate my magazine and to see what improvements could be made and what I have done well. I have enjoyed designing and making my magazine. The colour scheme of my magazine was white and blues, this was for both my front cover and my contents page. I produced m magazine on fireworks, I found it complicated to use but with practice and lots of use I became familiar with the symbols and how to use and work the tool on it.

My Front cover consisted of a masthead, bold and eye catching to get the audiences attention, this tells them what the issue is for. The main image is a mid shot of a student enjoying and feeling relaxed in the school environment. The 3 colours that have been used throughout the magazine is white, dark blue and deep blue. I have also said about a competition that is available to be entered, this will grab the audience’s attention as at this age driving is a big thing that most people are interested in. I have brief information on the front cover to let you know what some of the information may be in this issue. The point that i feel i could improve on the most is that the brief bits of information could be more noticeable, e.g. a different font or a different colour to make its grab the audiences attention.

 My contents page consists of all the information that is going to be included in my magazine. I have used the same colours as the front cover. The pictures in the corners help to show that the magazine is for both genders and that school is enjoyable. Each point is specific and straight to the point. To improve on my contents page i think i could have the main colour brighter and make it stand out more. The pictures could maybe be bigger so that there is less white space.